Magneti - Album - Spille - Offerte | Magnetics - Album - Pins - Offers
circa 7 x 5 cm. - minimo d'ordine 18 pezzi a scelta - € 252,00
about 7 x 5 cm. - minimum order 18 pieces of your choice - € 252.00
Album fotografici con inserimento di una micro architettura in copertina - cm. 24 x 18 / cm. 15 x 18 € 32,00
I soggetti sono gli stessi dei "Magneti", a scelta
Photo albums with the insertion of a micro architecture on the cover - cm. 24 x 18 / cm. 15 x 18 € 32,00
The subjects are the same as the "Magnets", at your choice
cm. circa 7 x 5 - minimo d'ordine 10 pezzi a scelta - € 80,00
cm. about 7 x 5 - minimum order 10 pieces of your choice - € 80.00
Scatole in legno con coperchio laccato e micro-scultura di frutti ispirate alle offerte tradizionali dell’India
Wooden boxes with lacquered lid and micro-carving of fruits inspired by traditional Indian offerings
Offerta grande - cm. 16 x 16 x 14 - € 50,00 | Offerta Media - cm. 16 x 14 x 8 - 45,00 | Offerta piccola - cm. 20 x 6 x 7 - € 40,00
Large Offer - cm. 16 x 16 x 14 - € 50.00 | Medium Offer - cm. 16 x 14 x 8 - 45.00 | Small Offer - cm. 20 x 6 x 7 - € 40,00